University of Technology Sydney

UTS information day.

Information day. Photo credit: Carlson

The University of Technology Sydney is a metropolitan university formed by the merging of several inner-city education institutions. UTS also has a campus in the northern Sydney district of Kuringgai. It emphasises practice-orientated learning and applies this approach to fields such as business and engineering. If you've studied at UTS, you're invited to rate the student experience and post a review.

UTS Rating

User Rating 3.14 (130 votes)
Comments Rating 1.58 (24 reviews)
Australia Ranking 9
Based on world university rankings.
Source: Australian Universities

Student Reviews

39 Responses

  1. Anh Vu
    | Reply

    Program review

    Hi guys, I’m having a offer for the Master of Mathematics and Quantitative Finance. After reading all terrible general comments about UTS, I’m having a second mind about going to this place. Is there anyone studying this degree at UTS? Is this worth doing the program here?

  2. Krisitn
    | Reply

    Migration Law and Practice

    I recently graduated from UTS with a Diploma in Migration Law and Practice. The quality of teaching was very low. The course contained outdated legislation that hasn’t been updated in some time. The tutorials were poor, and the teaching staff were quite rude. Whenever you asked a question, the typical response was, ‘If you’re not happy, transfer to another university.’ Filing a complaint didn’t make any sense because it felt like it would affect your exam results. UTS is the worst university in Australia – don’t waste your time and energy on this course, as you will not gain ANYTHING from it.

  3. David
    | Reply

    Sausage Sizzle Madness

    On Saturday the 17th of June 2023 I was recommended by my colleagues to go to Trumper Oval where there was a local AFL game going on with a sausage sizzle. Each of my colleagues received two (2) sausages and two (2) pieces of white bread for $4. What an enticing offer! I walk up to the tuckshop, being run by UTS sports players. I could barely contain my excitement for such a great deal. I order a sausage sandwich and a coke. It’s to my surprise that I’m only given a single piece of white bread. Hmm, maybe they’ll give me another by the sausages? Or, maybe they’re running low? I go to the bbq section, and say that I ordered a sausage sandwich. There’s an abundance of sausages left on the bbq, and keeping in mind that it’s in the early afternoon surely they can’t go to waste. My heart breaks as the person manning the BBQ only gives me a single sausage. Before I could voice my concern they ask “Did you want onions?”, a clear method of manipulation to distract me from the harm they’ve done. “Of course! Thank you so much”, I reply with a croak in my throat. If it wasn’t for the smell of the sausages, onions, eggs and bacon I’m not sure I would be so stunned. The sausages themselves weren’t too bad. I just feel cheated by the UTS Sports affiliation.

    Hurt. Confused. Discriminated against. I will never give UTS my business again.

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  4. angrypotato
    | Reply

    What has happened to UTS?

    UTS should be investigated for corruption. Their “short courses” and partnerships are horrible and borderline scams. Do they just lend out their name for extra cash? Who regulates these courses? Who ensures the course quality and teaching quality? It is like anyone can just make a school and approach UTS and claim to be a partner organization and offer absolute shit courses for thousands. And UTS wash their hands of any responsibility. Total negligence.

    I wouldnt be surprised if some university administrator is getting massive kickbacks out of this. If there’s any investigative journalists out there – I swear look into UTS. Follow the rabbit trail because it is fishy af.

    This is what universities have become. Just money hungry corrupt institutes – the total antithesis of knowledge and learning.
    I welcome Harvard and MIT offering all of their courses for free online now and sites like khan academy etc. These other universities can all crash and burn for all I care. Absolutely revolting what they are doing to young ppl wanting to learn.

  5. Luke Porter
    | Reply

    I’m completing a micro-credential in Data Analytics here and the course structure is horrible. Most of the learning has been based on teaching a free software tool (Knime) and has not approached the normal flow of course content by starting with basics. The instructor rushes through the content and uses keyboard shortcuts to execute functions that are unknown to learning students. Top it off with Canvas being a horrible interface and I would totally recommend looking elsewhere to gain a micro-credential.

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  6. Nayan
    | Reply

    I see a lot of negative/ mixed reviews about UTS. However, those comments are from around 2018 so in 2022 if any one of you knows about the UTS education system or is currently enrolled in UTS, especially for computer science or software engineering, could you please tell me about how the courses are? It is still bad or have they improved?
    Should I look into another university, I’m an international student and the rankings were pretty impressive so I decided to apply there, but looking at all the comments makes me rethink my decision.
    If anyone is willing to help, please help me choose the right university in Australia.

  7. Hannah
    | Reply

    FIT TESTING @ $80 !!!!

    I am a Nursing student at UTS. Just not happy having to pay $80 for a mask fit testing. We are already paying for UNI and fit testing should be part of that considering we have been behind in our placements. Hospitals do it for free so why do we need to pay at UNI?

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  8. Z
    | Reply

    Wished I'd never did my undergraduate at UTS

    I wished i never did my undergraduate degree at UTS – this is my regret that I’m still trying to see any benefits that came out of my experience. I did a old degree called Human Movement (now called Exercise & Sport Science) and was mostly situated at the old campus of Kuringai (Roseville) but also had my electives at the city campus too. What was taught at university wasn’t applicable to the outside world work setting and the assignments were poorly marked with little constructive feedback given. My student experience wasn’t great as there was no student life whatsoever and it wasn’t a friendly environment as it was v cliquey white students especially with the campus situated on the north shore, i didn’t feel like i fit in. I didn’t get anything out of my degree in the end and decided to pursue another degree instead so a warning to those pursuing the Exercise & Sports Degree its worthless in the outside work life unless you want to be a pe teacher or a personal trainer (which you don’t need a degree for). My experience is unique as my degree was at a former old campus and now its located eastern suburbs however my advice is if you feel out of place in your degree at UTS in both the social aspect and your not passionate what you’re studying in, Just leave, Its better rather wasting away years that you could be studying towards an enriching career/education.

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  9. AS
    | Reply

    A caution about Biomedical Science and Honours

    I completed my BBiomedSc in 2018 with an above-credit average and went on to complete my honours in 2019 with first class marks, a dean’s list award, and a minor conference attendance under my belt. Today I work in a coffee shop.
    Overall, my learning experience with UTS was adequate, and was enhanced by the numerous teaching talents involved in the life sciences department. This is more of a cautionary tale to anyone who is considering this degree, because frankly put, Australia has disgraceful standing in the world of scientific research, and UTS did not prepare me for this.

    Firstly, it needs to be made clear that what career options there are for a biomed grad. These are:
    1. Pathology
    2. Medical research
    3. Pathway into medicine

    I will be talking about 1 and 2.

    Now this is one thing I wish I had known earlier – to get an entry-level position in a pathology lab, the right certification can be obtained through TAFE. Hospital path labs will sometimes offer comprehensive training courses more suited to undergrads, however these are rare and extremely competitive. To be a hospital scientist, further medical education is often required and there is a VERY low turnover rate due to the specialisation of these fields. One of the hardest subjects in UTS’s biomed course was Anatomical Pathology. This was a gruelling, content-jammed course that compressed an entire anatomy degree into a single semester. But to actually work as an anatomical pathologist seems cool, right? Well, turns out you need to have a complete medical degree with 2 years’ practical xp, and then you can undertake specialist training with the RCPA. So don’t worry if you can only scrape by this one. Wish they had mentioned this at the start of the subject!

    So on the topic of a research career – the first theoretical step towards this is to undertake an honours course. my honours year was very difficult, but I had the good luck of working with a fantastic group of professionals who were able to guide me every step of the way. This is in part because I undertook my hons EXTERNALLY, which I would STRONGLY recommend. Other students who undertook internal study had to deal with UTS’s frustrating logistical issues. For instance, I had completed my PC2 lab safety induction and was well on my way with my project while internally-based students were still waiting to be let into the labs at UTS.

    Finding the right hons supervisor can seriously make-or-break your experience and your overall grade. I had heard of some hons students who had been made to do unrelated labwork for PhD students, and others whose supervisor was managing multiple students and was too busy to even sit and discuss the project. You must absolutely make sure your supervisor is able to fully commit to guiding you through this course, because (especially with UTS) you will find yourself highly unprepared. I was never taught basic but critical lab techniques during my undergrad, such as maintaining tissue cultures or preparing gels. It was like had to start from the ground-up, and to conduct research and produce a thesis within a year is extremely intensive. Fortunately though, I did not also have to complete coursework at the same time like USyd does. I was able to pull through due to all the academic and personal support I was given by my supervisors and labmates (but not through the university itself!).

    Theoretically, an honours is either a leap into a PhD or straight into a career. After studying nonstop for years, I wanted to first land myself a job and build a career before committing to another 4 years of work. And that’s where the road stopped for me. In the few job advertisements you will find for medical researchers in Australia, most if not ALL will require PhD holders, even for entry level positions as Research Assistants. Positions that ask for hons grads receive hundreds of applicants, so expect to wait weeks or even months to hear back. Some never will contact you, even after you ring up HR. The situation has no doubt also been made worse by COVID, ironically enough. UTS also did not help me after I graduated. I was recommended to sign up for a “Casual Academics” database, but I could not access the form externally and had to use a staff computer on campus. Heard absolutely nothing back about this since.

    The reason is because the Australian federal government doesn’t care about publicly funded research. At the conference I attended, a well-known researcher told us frankly “Do not rely on the government funding board for a career.” No new money goes to researchers, they can’t afford to hire new staff, and available jobs plummet.

    UTS put the rose-tinted glasses over my eyes. If I decided to, maybe a PhD would make a difference. If you want to be a researcher, at this stage a PhD is crucial to just landing a job – I have been recommended Monash uni for their biomed PhD programs, or even better, going overseas. This is an issue likely not unique to UTS, but to unis across Australia. I just wish someone had told me first what I knew now.

    P.S. George the first-year lecturer, I still haven’t forgotten your totally cooked remarks about how hormone replacement therapy “causes cancer”, or how women don’t tend to be orthopaedic surgeons because it requires “heavy lifting”. lmfao.

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  10. J
    | Reply

    The MBA at UTS is expensive and they are not interested in the quality of the program or student experience

    If you’re already in the workforce look at other MBA programs.

    There is no professional networking as the majority of postgraduate students are directly out of their bachelor degrees and the career development emails from generic university newsletter is exclusively aimed at initial employment.

    Subjects have been cancelled at short notice and many of the subjects listed in the MBA program aren’t being offered. You may still be able to get your major/sub-major but if you hoped to be able to specialise within those majors forget it.

    Email queries to administration asking about subject availabilities or when subjects may be held go unanswered after two months. Utilising the internal student complaints system is useless as they don’t intend to respond within 60 days.

    Subject content can be rushed or feel like filler. The quality of lecturers is best described as mediocre with a sprinkling of one or two excellent professors. It is below the standard I have experienced at several other institutions previously. The majority of subjects include group work which can simply be summarised as exercises that place the responsibility for foreign students passing onto the shoulders of domestic students. Complaints about lack of effort or contribution by foreign students does not result in any repercussions for them.

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  11. Rachel
    | Reply

    Quantity at the Expense of Quality

    These are the failings of a corporatised education system. The lecturers work hard to create content and to assess student work however are prevented from providing anywhere near adequate support for their students by an institutional administration that fails to value this labour and eroded the quality of tuition by working staff too hard for too little reward and too little security of work. Most lecturers and sessional staff are on casual contracts which mean they have no ongoing security of employment, and are not in fact paid to support students outside of class times. It’s well worth asking where your tens of thousands of dollars are going and why you are not receiving the level of tuition you should expect, however point the finger of blame where it’s deserved – at the people within the institution who determine the strategic direction of the institution because these are the people who are short-changing you, not the burnt-out, stretched & stressed academic staff.

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  12. Svetlana Yakusheva
    | Reply

    Grad Diploma in Migration Law and Practice by UTS - will not prepare you to pass the Capstone Test

    It is to my greatest disappointment that after spending a year in 2018 studying at UTS Sydney Graduate Diploma in Migration Law and Practice, I am along with many other students who completed this program are not able to pass the Capstone test required to get registered by OMARA and practice the Migration Law.

    It is extremely disappointing that there is a disconnect between UTS/ the course provider and the assessor/ COL/ the selected test provider in terms of program objectives and the test objectives as a result of which students are not prepared to pass the Capstone Test.

    It is an expensive program and the one who wishes to enroll need to think carefully if you he/ she ready to pay over $25,000 domestic fee and get nowhere once the qualification completed.

    If by the time of enrolment I knew this was the future I have to face, I would never enroll for this program.

    The education provider must be completely transparent with potential students and provide enough information to allow making an informed decision.

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  13. Caitlin
    | Reply

    Technology University without Technology?? A Long Rant.

    My main concern:

    All concerns shortened:
    1. The content addressed in lectures barely relate to assessments or any work done outside of said lectures.
    2. ZERO help from or communication with staff. Not able to send emails throughout the week, and half the time they can’t stay back to help you so you never get the support you need.
    3. The buildings are often huge walking distances apart, you are almost always late to back-to-back classes.
    4. Almost all of my lectures and assessments had to do with studying Aboriginal Culture and creating art pieces based on Aboriginal art. Not to be disrespectful, but I am not studying a Bachelor in Aboriginal Studies and think it is a bit of a waste of time learning about the history of Australia and Aboriginal culture when I am supposed to be learning how to create Typography and set myself a career in UNIVERSAL design.
    5. Not enough time inside class to complete anything.

    Detailed concerns:
    Last year I started my first year in a Bachelor of Design in Visual Communications, and to start off I was given a timetable with almost no say in my class times. I live 2.5 hours away from the University more towards the country where I don’t particularly want to wake up at 5:30am on a -3 degree morning to get to Uni by 10am. My first lecture was at Ultimo TAFE for some unknown reason, and the information covered within the lecture was barely relevant to what I would later be learning in the class, which I soon learned was the nature of almost EVERY SINGLE LECTURE I undertook at the University.

    Looking through the subject outlines of my classes, I discovered you were not able to email your tutors during the week, and instead if you had any questions or needed help, the only way to get it was to address it in class time, or hope they would stay back and help you afterwards, which half the time they couldn’t because they either had another class, or just didn’t care and wanted to go get a coffee. I had just come from a school where we emailed teachers constantly, whether it be for help with work or to literally just ask them how their class was going. I am a person who asks a lot of questions, so quite frankly, this was ridiculous. It became clear how incredibly ridiculous it was when we began practical work. As an example, one of our first assessments was making a series of visuals relating to a theme we were given. Let’s say this assessment started week 1 and was due week 4. During week 1 at home I created a visual, and since I was not able to ask for feedback over email, I came back in week 2 and asked for feedback. The studio leader said it was trash and I had to start over. The cycle repeats and week 3 comes around, but the studio leader is busy with another student and at the end of the lesson has no time to check my visual. So it stays stagnate until week 3 where I finally get it checked and it turns out it is bad AGAIN. Now the visual is due next week and I have to start again, with no opportunity to get feedback before handing it in. This whole process is not only stressful, but such a downer having to redo designs over and over each week with no help.

    Speaking of tutors, almost all of them were over privileged 20 something year old ex-UTS students who were very controlling when giving feedback about design, which is supposed to be personalized by the artist. Knowing that the future lies in computer graphics, in most of my assessments I created computer graphics, but all of my tutors would say something like “your medium is very bland; you should try photography or collage”. I would take their advice, but I’ve never collaged a day in my life, let alone take professional photos, so everything I handed in wasn’t good enough, but they’d never explain or teach, they’d just hope you’d learn yourself while they sit on their phone the whole class. A tutor that didn’t like me gave me a partial absence to his class because I had only completed 2 or out 3 visuals due for his class that day, but then the next week when a whole portfolio template was due, a girl next to me hadn’t even started it and she got no punishment. I felt like a 3 year old, and considering how long it takes me to get to the University, a partial absence as a punishment is an insult.

    I had a few lectures at the Powerhouse Museum, which was always a pain because it’s a 20minute walk from the station, and my train came a certain time that didn’t quite allow me to make it on time. On top of that, the museum staff aren’t helpful at all in pointing the direction you have to go, making my first day very difficult considering I had never been to the museum before and wasn’t aware it even had lecture rooms. Having lectures there meant I was always late to my next class, but so were my tutors. One time we waited 35mins for a tutor because she wanted to eat before class.

    This same tutor would spend the whole lesson talking about anything and everything BUT the topic at hand, meaning we had no time in class to complete work, and considering I had three jobs at the time of this course, it wasn’t fair when class time was not adequate to complete at least half the work.

    Communication between students is very poor. This University seems to be a very individual based place, meaning it is difficult to make friends and talk about anything else other than work, because you are awkwardly forced into group projects constantly, rather than actually being allowed to take your time to meet and get to know people outside their role in a project none of you wanted to do together.

    In a final note, I had come from a very catholic high school, where religion was forced so far down your throat you couldn’t focus on any other subject. So when I came to UTS and found out it was the same situation, except instead of religion it was Aboriginal culture, I was a bit annoyed. I have nothing against Aboriginals or their culture, and pay full respect towards them, but I signed up for a Bachelor of Design, not an Aboriginal Studies course. Almost every single class, lecture, and assessment was themed around Aboriginals, and I understand they were trying to get us used to clients of different cultures that could ask for such themed pieces, but it got too much. We had to write a paper about Aboriginal art. We had to create a picture book based on an Aboriginal story. We had to create a set of collages that represented each weather in the Aboriginal seasons. It was almost worse than high school.

    Mind you, all of these complaints, are only from ONE SEMESTER of University. After that I got fed up and left the course for a semester. I am coming back this year entering a Bachelor of Science in I.T. where hopefully I’ll be able to use a damn computer for something other than making Aboriginal websites. This time, I was able to build my own timetable, however, all of my classes are all over the place over FIVE DAYS so I’m not looking forward to this. If it does not work out, I will not be returning to UTS. I’ll try WSU next.

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  14. Mark
    | Reply

    My review

    Just try and avoid data structures and algorithms, security fundamentals and networking subjects because they are extremely difficult with large amount of content. I am very lucky I passed these.

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  15. Ram
    | Reply

    Reserach Internship

    I was planning on coming for a 6months reserach internship in CS, but looking at the reviews, I am doubting it. Any suggestions?

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    • N
      | Reply

      Keep in mind I haven’t had any personal experience in CS here, but I have heard that their engineering and IT department is incredibly lackluster. A lot of people have complained about very outdated learning and there have been recent changes that have greatly devalued the education as a whole. Depending on what your other options are, I would consider looking around so you can make the most informed decision. Unless the other options are terrible, from what people tell me I would not rate this one as the best contender.

      • inq
        | Reply

        I also heard that the Engineering and IT department of UTS is incredibly bad too. And they’re just profit driven at the expense of quality. Stay away.

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  16. R
    | Reply

    Not worth it, nothing but frustration

    The complete lack of everything a good university should have is how I would describe UTS.

    Somehow the university has a good reputation, which is what made me excited to join, however, the horrendous infrastructure is astounding. There are almost no support services that are easily accessible to start with and furthermore, the lectures and tutorials are completely garbage content wise. The content is non-existent most of the time and lectures consist of them purely reading straight off slides for an hour. The feedback from assessments are almost always excruciatingly late and at best you are lucky if you receive a full sentence worth of comments. Furthermore, some of the staff are incredibly rude and condescending and this is not helped by the huge population of incomprehensible internationals in the same classes.

    I am praying I can switch to literally any other uni next semester.

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    • R
      | Reply

      I wish I could award less than one star

      I wanted to continue and expand on what I already mentioned earlier.

      To begin with lectures and tutors, if you are lucky enough to have a professor who speaks fluently and in a comprehensible accent (as it is incredibly difficult to understand content or ask questions when your tutor is unable to properly provide adequate education), many of the actual subjects themselves are redundant. For clarification I am a health student and many if not all of my first year subjects have been useless content wise as they are mostly just communications subjects i.e. learning how to communicate with people and what ineffective communication is. This would be okay if all the content across my eight, incredibly expensive, subject had any differentiation, but instead all the subjects have nearly the same content covered and all of it is impractical. S/O to the tutorial which i travelled 3 hours for to watch a 7 minute video on how to wash my hands.

      Moving on to the university itself, there is a very disjointed feeling to them. To start, much of the timetabling is incredibly difficult to navigate so if you don’t get the only good time slot, you are stuck with horrible timetables which consist of either one class, five days a week or staying incredibly late until 6:30-8pm (and this somehow isn’t a safety issue?). The university must assume that you both live on campus and don’t have a job and make no effort to alleviate your concerns. If you are fortunate to make it home alive from these incredibly late classes, you can reflect on how poor the facilities are. Compared to every other university in Sydney, it by far has the worst campus. It is extremely spread out with outdated resources and buildings that are often hard to navigate. Not to mention as it is in the CBD there is no sense of community, rather you’re going to a job that you pay over $10,000 a year for.

      From my friends recounts and reading other reviews I can see I am not the only one who takes great issue with how this university is run. I would avoid it if possible and in a few years I’ll be glad they won’t be allowed to advertise as “the number 1 young uni.” You would think the decent ATAR entry points would be a sign that it is a highly regarded university with leading education opportunities, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. If I had to boil it down, UTS is purely after your money and is more than happy to screw you in the process.

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  17. Abraham
    | Reply

    Not flexible/Poor student life and support

    I received an offer for a Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Laws and have had to move to another institution because of how inflexible the times/classes are. It is a very big campus which requires a lot of walking (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but you will be a little late when you have back to back classes). The classes are separated sometimes meaning for really long days. The quality of teaching is fine, but it is on par with any other uni that is not considered a g08. However, the student support is horrible – I had emailed multiple tutors for help as I am a long distant student (one hour commute) and they don’t care to reply. It can be difficult in terms of communication or if you want extra assistance in content covered in class. It isn’t convenient to pop in to the campus when I need help with a question. In addition, for someone who is working part-time or needs a couple of days off for other commitments, this may be difficult depending on how early you enrol for timetables. It is more so catered for students who want to remain unemployed throughout their degree and want to stay at uni for the whole week. I am at WSU, and so far it is much more convenient, the student lifestyle is vibrant and they have multiple internship/pro-bono opportunities as it is a smaller law school. The lecturers/tutors have personal relationships with students to ensure they are learning and handling the content.

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  18. Larson
    | Reply

    MBA, No. Gaduate diploma in business adinistration, definetly YES.

    I studied in UTS and did the Graduate Diploma in Business Administration. I found that it is better to do the diploma because you learn the essential units that employers want, whereas the MBA includes irrelevant material that you will not use and employers don’t care about. A diploma in business admin is one year FT and far cheaper than an MBA. Also, I did a BA in Notre Dame which was more expensive than doing the same or a Bachelor of Laws course from UNE and the applied psychology and education faculty at Notre Dame was a joke. My advise is don’t waste your money in and MBA or on a bachelor degree from a private university but do something that employers are looking for like an engineering degree (mechanical/software/mechatronics) or do a straight Master of Finance.

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  19. Sally Kennedy
    | Reply


    The advanced Economics Lectures are not delivering the content well! They don’t explain the calculus concepts, or provide any worked examples or online notes or recordings. UTS should look into these fixable issues straight away. Until they do I’m wasting my money and I’ll warn others not to bother.

  20. Nick
    | Reply

    I did MEM, it was a good course. I enjoyed it and I am of the opinion that I received my money worth. Few of the lecturers were outstanding, the rest was good. One was bulling students… but there’s always one! Overall, a good UNI.

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    • Chris
      | Reply


      Hello Nick,
      I am planning of doing and MEM-MBA dual degree at UTS. And I am an international student, with Masters in Technology, and 4 years experience in electronics engineering domain. Do you think the course is worth, and that it would be easy to find a job after the course?

      Thanks in Advance,

  21. Anon
    | Reply

    B Computing Science.

    Hi, I’m planning on doing a Bachelor of Computing Science at UTS next year. What is the course like? How is the quality of teaching? What are the resources like? How easy/hard is employment after/during the degree? How is the course content? What is the timetable like?
    I basically want to k ow everything about the course lol; The good, the bad and the ugly 😉

    • Dave
      | Reply

      UTS is embarrassing and frustrating.

      I’m in my 5th year, part-time, Bachelor of Science in IT and I am consistently disappointed with the quality of the classes. The content is ok but it is taught really poorly with minimal effort put in by the staff.

      The IT infrastructure at UTS is also laughable. They still teach CSS 2 and HTML 4 in the web design because they haven’t upgraded their marking systems. I am doing an Advanced Data Science course this semester and you are expected to bring your own laptop to class because they haven’t installed the correct software.

      There is also often a language barrier if you are a domestic student. Most of the lecturers and tutors are not native English speakers and have strong accents. The lectures can be very poor quality. In my first lecture for Data Visualization, the lecturer spent 30 minutes teaching us Chinese characters because they were “the first infographics”.

      Unless you get the class that the lecturer teaches, your tutor will be unprepared. I did a C course where the tutor was a Java programmer and barely knew what he was talking about.

      There are a few good things. UTS has a lot of after-hours classes and good industry connections so you can easily get a job in the industry while you are still studying. It is also conveniently located and has some nice rooms.

      • J
        | Reply

        Don't do it

        I cannot agree more to this. Their infrastructure is really outdated. They’re definitely not up-to-date with the current. Not only that, did a subject for C#, not only was the tutor incompetent, the assignment isn’t entirely programming related at all. You’d be spending more time trying to figure out mathematical ways to solve the equations than learning how to program. You really don’t learn much if you intend to pursue a new language. You’re better off picking up online courses than learning it via UTS.

        My advice would be, if you plan to enrol into IT courses, don’t do it at UTS. It’s not worth the time and money.

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  22. J
    | Reply

    UTS teaching for data science

    Studying in masters in data science and it’s heavy self learning than teaching. I understand it’s a new field but students are struggling to understand the concepts. Also the workshops are like lectures rushing through.
    I got a subject that only has 4 face to face workshops full day for 14 weeks and that’s it. They said go over and beyond what you learnt to get better marks and pass. How can I do that when student starts just learnt it on the workshop session. It’s like saying build a city of Rome within 24 hours. It’s a joke when you pay money you EXPECT support better than online. That what’s makes uni better

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    • J
      | Reply

      Reflection of UTS Teaching for data science.

      This a me 2 years later in data science degree. I am better now than before and I got to say that if you are attempting to go into data science please do online courses before you start especially people with no computer science or statistics background. I am not talking about z scores of standard deviations it’s more in depth.
      Recommend taking Khan Academy and coursea for free and learn linear algebra and calculus. I’m addition learn machine learning and deep learning (if you have time) to understand how data science works.
      What I know now is that the uni is teaching you to self learn as once you finish you are fully self Learning in what comes at your way which is necessary if you want to be at the top of your job.
      Finance and accounting people do not have cognitive skills compared to engineering, physics, statisticians and science. Because there is the unknown when attempting to answer a clients question. People in accounting and finance has one rule either yes or no that’s it. This is why auditors cannot get along with data science.
      You must be able to be comfortable of the uncomfortable and that would set you up in dealing in data science.
      I have reflected on what I said a few years back but i know now why I said it because I was too eager too fast it takes time.

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  23. Akil
    | Reply


    Poor teaching quality. I don’t know how some students were admitted into Law because they are clueless and lazy. Location is easy to get to if you in its proximity. There is a lack of student support and it can be demotivating that there is also a lack of ‘campus life’. I will be transferring to WSU after this semester.

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  24. Anon
    | Reply


    Don’t know why people are giving this Uni a bad review. Bet some of them are UNSW and USYD snobs.

    Sure you will have crappy lecturers and tutors from time to time. Just like every other Uni including the Go8. They are employed because they know their stuff. And trimesters means some subjects do not have mid exams anymore.

    Just think of the benefits:

    -Close to the city so you will have more time doing better things i.e. non-study related stuff
    -Modern facilities
    -Rankings improving
    -Flexible study options with work-study-life balance
    -Clubs and societies that these negative commenters seem to be forgetting to exploit
    -UTS is focused on industry relevance. But it is making an effort to up its global rankings and this is reflected in their past trends. So in 10-20 years time just be grateful you have the chance to attend the institution.

    I do a combined degree in Engineering and Business. And I love UTS.

  25. QUSHAL
    | Reply

    The only good thing about UTS is it’s location. And another may be the fraudulent and sick business mentality that one can learn from the higher authority to shine in life. As an engineering graduate, I have to say that UTS doesn’t know or want to know what is going on in the classes as they appoint any random guy from the street as class lecturers or course coordinators and their retard class assistants/tutors. Except some of the few genius guys (that every other uni has), I have to say it had been a disgusting experience with most of the course teachers. And the most horrible thing is, they do not have enough stuff for course assessment and push international students towards VISA BREACH with a subsequent delay in result publishing. SO AS A VICTIM, I WON’T RECOMMEND uts TO ANYONE EXCEPT THERE IS NO PROBLEM WITH SPENDING YOUR USELESS MONEY.

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  26. Natalie
    | Reply

    I am doing engineering at uts and it is the worst. The trimesters make it horrible, I would never recommend anybody go here for engineering. It feels like I am paying them so I can be miserable. One of my teach has just stopped give lecture and it is now all self learning (expect for a 2 hr tute where we can ask questions). if they rent going to teach me then they don’t deserve to get paid. uni was always hard but this is the next level, I don’t even enjoy waking up any more because all I do is study and I still don’t understand

    • michael
      | Reply

      oh poor you all you do is study, did you think it was going to be a holiday in hawaii , or did you expect to just get the degree handed to you, perhaps your self entitled attitude needs to change

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      • Joe
        | Reply

        Maybe these people are complaining about their lack of education they provide to us students, if we pay so much money, they should provide high quality education and make things more interesting. Its far worse than school.

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        • Patricia
          | Reply

          Aussie aussie aussie

          Anyone did Masters in Human Resource? I did my degree at RMIT and i really enjoyed it there. I wanted to continue my masters there, but UTS ranking is definitely higher. Not sure if i want to take a risk to a newer place…

  27. Neo Leon
    | Reply

    I want a refund for my Bachelor of Business degree. It is useless.

  28. aarthi
    | Reply

    I did a Bachelor of Commerce at UTS and it was a good experience overall.

  29. Aaron
    | Reply

    I did a Bachelor of Commerce at UTS and it was a good experience overall. The location is very convenient. It’s right in the city, so easy to catch public transport and everything is right there. The teaching quality really depended on the particular lecturer – varied.

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