University Reviews by Students
An open forum for students and graduates of Australian universities. You can post a review or comment, or just read what others have written.

For review writers, please try to be fair and balanced. If you're unhappy about something at the university, try to confine negative ratings to the issue.
- Readers get more from reviews that discuss pros and cons, not just all the good or all the bad points about a university.
- Universities do a good job in general. And most lecturers and tutors genuinely do the best they can.
Course satisfaction ratings for Australian universities are upwards of 80% in all but a few cases. While universities can always do better, the fact is that the typical graduate is happy with their study experience.
Anti "claims of bullying" policy
Snowflakes take note. Reviews containing allegations of bullying will not be shown. Having someone in authority make a decision you don't like is a routine part of life. It's not "bullying" as far as Uni Reviews is concerned.
Anti "lack of help" policy
Part of the university experience in Australia is learning how to help yourself. Generally, we won't publish reviews where the only real criticism seems to be that you didn't receive enough one-on-one assistance.
We're interested in your experiences
When you post a review on this site, it will likely be read by thousands of people. If you have experiences of a university that might be useful for others to know, share your thoughts! If just one person makes a better education decision because of your contribution, it'll be worth it and you will have done some good in the world today.