Bond University

Bond University.

Bond University is a private university on the Gold Coast. It has a reputation for excellent student services, which students pay for through higher fees compared to public universities. If you've studied at Bond, how do you rate the university? What are the pros and cons? Post a student review to let people know.

Bond Rating

User Rating 2.79 (90 votes)
Comments Rating 2.22 (9 reviews)

Student Reviews

19 Responses

  1. Jessica Horne
    | Reply

    Go Elsewhere

    Their administration is poor; they don’t hang onto student information, and you’re also expected to supply doubles of everything. They do not refund you when it appears on your history, they lack complaint handling and resolution skills, and have problems with some students. The only thing going for them is their student association (BUSA) and some of their students. This is my second review after I was asked to remove mine, and I have to agree with what a lot of the ex-students say about the place. People should be allowed to express why they’re dissatisfied without being badmouthed.

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  2. Kaz
    | Reply

    I had a Good experience

    I found everyone here so friendly and helpful and nice, you still have to make some noise and stand up for yourself if you need help. Be pro-active about your studies, but compared to other uni’s where I did my undergrad and some electives, support is more available here at Bond. I love walking around the campus too, it’s so pretty.

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  3. Davis
    | Reply

    Don't go there

    Please unless it is fully funded don’t go there.
    I did a Master of Laws at this “university” and I could not be more disappointed.
    On their website they basically tell you that can choose your subjects in accordance with your professional goals but actually 75% of the subjects are not delivered and you are forced to select useless stuff.
    Likewise, Bond does not have a lot of clubs and societies unlike what they say on their brochure (not even a public speaking society).
    Finally if you ask for help they completely ignore you and let you down. I really don’t understand why this university was among the best in terms of student experience.

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  4. Kien Kong
    | Reply

    Degree not accredited by Australian professional body

    Bond’s Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science are not recognised by Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA). After going through their exercise science program, if you do not pass their interview for their physiotherapy program or due to high competition, you can neither be a physiotherapist nor an exercise physiologist.

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    • Amelia
      | Reply

      I believe Bond are going through this accreditation process for this program currently.

    • Invested father
      | Reply

      Overpriced and overestimated

      Generally poor faculty and, hugely, inflated cost. One of my family had a scholarship but the split cost for both attendees wasn’t worth it. I’d look somewhere else, unless you have endless money and no other option. Sadly, that’s their demographic.

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      • Chistina
        | Reply

        Bond on a scholarship

        I am also on a scholarship at Bond, in my last semester of Biomedical Science/ Law. My parents would only let me go to Bond if I won a scholarship , there was so way we could afford it otherwise.

        I found the faculty good overall, like at every uni there is a mix. Two of only 13 national honours at the 2018 Australian Awards for University Teaching were from Bond Uni. As an undergraduate you are taught by the Professors and Associate Professors here due to the low staff student ratios, unlike the bigger universities where you are often taught by PhD students as undergraduates.

        It is true people at Bond often have a lot of money. But the networking at this university is very good, and you meet people at Bond you would never cross paths with otherwise. Due to so many students living on campus and the uni being small it is a social place, and I have made some lifelong friends here.

        In some ways Bond is more like an American college university where students go away to uni and live there rather than a typically big Australian public university where students typically attend a local university, show up for class and hang out with their high school friends.

  5. Andrew
    | Reply

    Great uni

    Exceptional uni. Great for teaching and learning, beautiful campus, nice community, good employment results.

    I did my undergrad at Bond. I also went to another university for Honours in Melbourne, and it did not compare to Bond.

    Other graduates of Bond have left hundreds of reviews on the Bond Facebook page, see .

    Also see and .

    Highly recommend it.

  6. Bond Student
    | Reply

    Low Standards - focus is on overloading classes to maximise profit

    Bond Uni is really Bond University Limited – a private company. It is really hard for them to get good staff to live and work on the Gold Coast. Teachers try their best but any complaint is not taken seriously and students who raise concerns are bad mouthed. Bond ignore their own class size requirements and lecturers have no ability to address this. The three-semester intake causes problems for students and teachers. A student in their 4th or 5th semester may be in a class with a student in their 1st or 2nd semester and this makes teaching and learning very difficult since the 5th-semester student has more relevant classes under their belt. Lecturers always tell students to address this in the semesterly feedback process but it is always ignored by uni admin. Teachers play favorites along ethnic lines – which I guess in reality probably happens everywhere.

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    • Andrew
      | Reply

      Not my experience at all. I found standards at Bond were very good.

      • Yash Upadhyaya
        | Reply

        Andrew isn’t real

        Andrew you seem like a totally ‘real’ person thanks for leaving links and refuting every negative comment

        • Dana Jay
          | Reply

          What the heck yash

          Jeez you’re so aggressive, calm the f down

          • Mike

            I like James BOnd

            Calm the falafel down?

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        • Saumil Shah
          | Reply

          Is it possible to give 7 stars??

          I was a student of Master of Construction Practice (Professional) at Bond University. I graduated in May 2020, and my student ID is 13583455. I am revealing this information so that any reader can understand that I am a real student who studied at the Uni.

          My review for Bond

          The only University in Australia with a postgraduate construction program accredited by RICS and CIOB both

          No.1 University in Australia for student experience and it is 100% true from my own experience

          Small classes and personalised can also have one on one sessions with teachers. You know your faculty and your faculty know you by your name. Is this possible at any other Uni in Australia????

          Best professors I came across during my student life. I will also give some names: Professor Amir Ghanbaripour, Professor Craig Langston, Professor Alan Patching, Professor Eddy Wang, Professor Scott Cooper, Professor Mark Baumann, Professor Rosemarie Rusch, Professor Nima Talebian etc.
          I have studied under the tutelage of these amazing professors

          In Bond, you can gain the best international network. Students come here to study from Norway, German, India, China, Switzerland, Pakistan, Iran and many other countries. Honestly, you can’t find students from so many different states at any other University in Australia

          Bond’s career development centre helps the student to get prepared for interview and placement. I got an internship placement from Bond’s CDC, which turned into a full-time job after graduation. They support all the students who have potential and reach out to them for help.

          State of the art Gym, Swimming pool, sport centre facilities which you cannot find at any other University in Australia.

          Private University where you don’t need to stand in a queue to access the facilities.

          High orientations and weekly parties.

          Friendly and professional atmosphere.

          The campus gives you the feeling of a 5-star resort.

          In conclusion, I would say that if I want to study further, no doubt, I will choose to study at Bond rather than any other institution.

          I loved my experience at Bond, and I feel sorry for the students who couldn’t be successful acter graduating from Bond. Well if you don’t study hard and show your potential you wouldn’t be successful even if you study at universities like Oxford or Stanford. University can give you scope, but it is you who need to step up and shine with potential.

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  7. zee
    | Reply

    in 2011 i went to Bonds university exhibition in my country (Oman) and met one of the uni international student relations staff. he was very helpful from the start to end. However, he was quite familiar with the education system in the region and how far we were behind in terms of academic skills overall therefore told me they’d take care of me…etc. being new to the western world and facing all sort of complexity of their education system and intensive culture shock. i was overwhelmed almost instantly that i lost track of everything let alone i missing the orientation week…i cant stress how lost i was, there were no instruction on where to go or what to do and i was not informed that my accommodation was not available to me yet so i had to drag a year worth of luggage around the uni until i found a hotel where i spent 3 days.

    during my studies there, i found it difficult to cope and understand everything since i was rushed through everything which killed my spirit, made me very confused and depressed, homesick and feel isolated. i found myself overworked and having 3-4hrs sleep daily trying to figure out whats going on. i was there for 3 semesters each was a fail. i asked for help, guidance and/or anything that can help me from anyone anyway i know… now i am at the end of the second semester i receive a VISA Cancellation Note 28, i appealed. and another in the second semester i appealed again. i was disparate and in between i met the chancellor who was in every way professional and helpful. he had no idea of what i had gone through so he tried guiding me. Christmas came and after a long year and half i got to visit my family back at home. i met the immigration officer who asked me to go back home see my family and we will sort it out when i am back…the day after i landed i received a mail from the immigration that my visa was cancelled and i was bad for 4 years. i left everything i had in my apartment.

    i tried calling the immigration officer so he tells me he had no idea it happened and said he would respond to me. he didn’t i waited for few days and then tried to call them and he never picked up. i was band that bestride me and my future because i saved up a lot for years and never got a chance to view my options. i was always under the impression that i was unable to move universities ATM before the notice due to the visa assigned to Bond exclusively.

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    • Semhar Estifanos
      | Reply

      Hey Zee,
      I am planning to attend the university next year for the second year. Are u saying you were failing because the units were hard for you or you were not fully prepared physically and mentally? Thanks!

  8. Khushh
    | Reply

    In which course did you study?

    i want to go for master in construction program, so i really want to know. shall i go to UniSA or Bond ?

  9. Mark
    | Reply

    I started out at Bond and completed my bachelors and masters there.

    Overall great experience. Nice campus, pretty good teachers (for the most part), small class sizes generally, fun place to go to school. Great support for sporting and social clubs. Nice facilities and buildings.

    Expensive. Some aspects of the school are set up as a bit of a money grab (sneaky fees etc)
    Overseas, the school was not recognised which was a disadvantage when job hunting.

  10. Freya
    | Reply

    Bond University is a welcoming space and encourages students to explore their interests. The teaching staff and courses are impeccable and the structure of the three semester year is innovative and puts students first.

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