The University of Tasmania is the only university in Australia's island state. It's based in a prime part of the scenic city of Hobart and has a sizeable Launceston campus. As the only local uni, UTAS is an all-rounder and offers a good range of courses. Students benefit from cheap accommodation and low tuition fees.
If you've studied at UTAS and have insight, post a review to share your thoughts. Be sure to mention the course.
UTAS Rating
Australia Ranking 19
Based on world university rankings.
Source: Australian Universities
Source: Australian Universities
Masters of education is terrible
I decided to choose Utas for my Mteach purely because of proximity, as I live in Hobart. However, once the course work started I immediately regretted this decision. The lecturers seem either under resourced or severely disorganised/incompetent. One subject we had no tutorials for six of the weeks because the lecturer couldn’t make it to the timeslot that she scheduled, the content was delivered solely from one text book and few youtube videos. Almost every subject is using video recordings from lectures from previous years, consequently relevant dates or not applicable, there is no live lectures at all. There is no uniformity across the uni, different subjects have completely different standards. These relate academically, some allow +- 10% word count some don’t, some include references in the word count some don’t. Also, the expectations for feedback is all over the shop, I literally got two comments on an assessment that got graded poorly, and got about fifteen comments on an assessment that I got a HD on, some subjects give you marks out of 100, some just give you CR, DN, HD and feedback is regularly released late. The course content bares little resemblance to the reality of the classroom, I get the impression that most of the lectures have not stood in front of students for many years.
After being involved in three other tertiary institutions as both an academic and student, I can safely say that my experience with UTAS has been appalling.
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I’m in my first year of a Bachelor of Business and I’m loving it and the university. I was sceptical because of the reviews but I have to say, UTAS far exceeds many other universities in Australia. I have experiences with 4 other universities and can honestly say that the faculties, lecturers, unit coordinators, and other university staff are supportive and professional. I actually really enjoy my studies and feel I have more opportunities to succeed than in the past. I’m happy that I chose to study at UTAS.
Absolute bullocks
UTAS is insanely boring and the attitudes from the academic staff are archaic. They don’t teach you, you teach yourself. Lectures are all pre-recorded. There is no help available, its very right-wing, they idea is personal responsibility, if you do not do well its your own fault. That the material is easy that one, all you have to do is keep up to date with it, two you could not possibly need help if you do there is something wrong with you. The lecturers are far from impartial or professional, they do not explain things properly. The lecturers, who are also your tutors, often use informal language. They have errors that the lecturers make constantly. They tell you, that University is about clear communication, they do not communicate clearly. Course and unit structure does not make much sense, it is also extremely busy. All Universities have spies, but UTAS is particularly bad for this though.
Honest review: these people are slime and they should not be encouraged
UTAS is rubbish they don’t believe in teaching their students anything, little help or support, they are opaque and liars, they are gas-lighters, these people must not be encouraged, they are just taking your money and providing a far inferior education than what you would of received in the 2000s. here you have abusive, undermining bullies who think they are smart asses, who are mostly middle-class kids on drugs. UTAS does not really know what higher education is supposed to be about, I could say that about the other institution I went to in the 2010s. don’t encourage them, these people are slime and they don’t care about their students and the students are the same. inconsistent quality and unreasonableness ++ that is UTAS.
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Invisible student, visible management and staff
Honest review
They hired a social media influencer as the vice-chancellor. UTAS has the most devious people working for it and going to it, pure narcissists. Prestigious? No one that lectures has anything in Nature, and it shows. If you want to sit in lectures and tutorials and have them reiterate IQ-like questions and have some in the audience answer them, go ahead. But if you are convinced that is not what higher education is about, UTAS is not for you.
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Bachelor of Ag Science at UTAS
I am a current second-year student at Utas, studying a Bachelor of Agricultural Science. I have found the degree excellent and well-paced so far. There is a clear focus on career prospects for the students and on how the university can improve the degree, with ample opportunity to give feedback that is implemented by teachers. The degree structure was altered after Covid, so it is entirely possible this helped to fix some old flaws. I would recommend it to people thinking about science-related degrees in particular. However, I have heard that the structure of the psychology degree is not very good. Furthermore, I have taken electives in humanities areas and they were very enjoyable.
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Ken v Lit
UTAS Bachelor of Music Jazz and Popular
UTAS Conservatory and Bachelor of Music jazz and pop is only beneficial to the end of first year. Then it turns into an Arts degree. Instead of getting continuous aural, theory and compositional training you fall into a waffle fest of writing about music and subjects that are similar. If you’re serious about music try to get to Melbourne, Sydney or Perth.
The conservatory is good for jazz and pop vocalists and rhythm section instruments but very poor on brass and woodwind.
When I was at the uni there was minimal presence of brass and woodwind lecturers at the weekly performance class.
Overall a lightweight course run by a skeleton number of highly skilled musicians oppressed by management.
UTas Law - beware
These comments relate to my experience as a Utas Law student. I am afraid that it’s not a pretty story. There’s plenty of publicly available data about Utas Law in terms of teaching quality, student satisfaction and other measures – which all place Utas near the bottom nationally – so I won’t repeat all that. Check it out for yourselves.
As an “outsider”, the one thing which really struck me was the exclusivity and conceit of the law student body. And I mean “exclusivity” in the sense of being non-inclusive, in other words restricted, pretentious and defensive. Although there are a fair number of international students, they are almost all (c. 90%) from Singapore. There are almost no Australian interstate students, and the local Tassie students almost all come from a very narrow socio-demographic.
There are some intelligible (but depressing) reasons why this is so. Let me break it down for you:
You’re an international student?
Like it or not, it’s mostly about rankings and prestige – so there’s nothing that Utas Law offers which can realistically compete with the top 5 Australian Law Schools – except perhaps tuition price. But you get what you pay for, and the degree sticks with you for life. Think about that. For Singapore students – don’t forget to check with the Singapore Institute of Legal Education (SILE). They have been recently making some noises about cutting down the list of approved/recognised overseas Law Schools for recognition. Just sayin’ …
You’re an (Australian) interstate student – also known as a ‘Mainlander’?
For legal education – every other Australian jurisdiction offers more choice, and better quality institutions, than Tasmania. There’s literally no reason to study law in Tassie unless you want to practice there. And if you do want to practice there, you had better have the gold-plated family connections to the existing local legal fraternity and social networks (see below), or just forget about it. Honestly, why waste (lots of) your time and money?
You’re from Tassie, but not Hobart
Utas will not offer any Law beyond 1st Year outside of Hobart. After 1st Yr. you must move to Hobart (or withdraw from the course). And you know Hobart accommodation is very expensive and almost impossible to find. So:
– If you have decent ATAR marks and sufficient funding support to live independently interstate? – There are so many excellent Law Schools interstate – nearly all of them much better than Utas in every respect. Get out while you can. You will never look back.
– Alas, your ATAR’s not great, or $$$ not sufficient, or you just can’t move to Hobart or interstate? Utas isn’t interested in you. Online probably is your best option – maybe Deakin or UNE.
You’re from Hobart
– Decent ATAR, and family wealthy enough to support you in the style you’re accustomed to? – you have already applied to Sydney, or Melbourne, or ANU, haven’t you? You already knew all this stuff anyway. 😉
– Only average ATAR, or not too cashed up? That’s unfortunate. But are you still well connected in tightly knit Hobart privileged circles? Congratulations! You’re the cream of Hobart – thick and rich. Utas Law is just for you. Literally, just for you. Even better if you went to one of the 3 or 4 elite Hobart private schools – you know which ones (if you don’t know which ones, then you are not supposed to be reading this, or welcome as part of Utas Law – go away, you oik.)
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I do not recommend Utas Law
The point about the student body and its narrow culture and social demographic is well made, and I have to say I agree. There is a very obvious kind of Sandy Bay, old-money wealthy family, elitism which permeates Law at UTas. The TULS Law student society behaves like a gang of private school prefects, and it is all very clearly so inward looking and self-satisfying. Most of the students have years-long family and (private) school connections with each other. Lots of them have parents and other relatives in the local legal profession, and are thus “sorted” for the future. So “outsiders” are easily identifiable and made to feel unwelcome.
There are quite a lot of student functions which are heavily fuelled by alcohol, which are supported by the TULS student society and the Law academic staff, but that type of environment seems like something which virtually every other uni has consigned to the past. For good reasons: I feel that sort of group behaviour obviously suits a certain “type” of student, but it is alienating and potentially dangerous for many others.
Another thing – it appears quite a lot of the academic law staff are also former students themselves, coming from the exact same social/political/family groups, and evidently having had the same student experiences. Do some research and you will find that this phenomenon is nowhere near so common in other Australian law schools, but at Utas Law it no doubt serves to reinforce the homegrown social exclusivity factors. The networks and relationships are spun by the locals positively – as being “intimate”, “special” and “connected” – but the dark reality is an environment of outsider marginalisation and insider smug arrogance.
I did the early part of my law degree at Utas, and managed to get away and I am now completing studies on the mainland. I am happy to be in a more “normal” setting, and I do not recommend Utas Law.
John Fisher College Resident
UTAS SUCKS! especially the colleges
University is terrible. If you are thinking of transferring from the “main land” and coming here, DO NOT!!! The nature in Tasmania is lovely. I am a huge fan and cannot get enough of it. However… the people here (particularly at University) while nice, are a totally different breed to that of the mainland. Extremely strange and EXTREME liberal presence down here. Mfs are simply different. ALSO, DO NOT MOVE TO ANY OF THE COLLEGES NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO! I CANNOT SAY THAT ENOUGH! The colleges are all horrible. Particularly John Fisher College and Christ College. They are run by the world’s worst committees in the universe. The most *predatory*, *cringe*, *personality-lacking* presence of women thrive in those giant cesspool excuses for colleges. If you are remotely normal do not move there. Everyone there is clapped af appearance and personality wise.
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Weird Cult
Can confirm – weird and cult-like heavy presence of Liberal Party groupies amongst students really evident at UTas. Especially in the Law School – a very suffocating and snobbish clique.
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Upsetting Time for Education in Tasmania
I am stydying in the School of Business and Economics in 2022. I am extremely upset with the quality of teaching that this university is providing. Just to name a few problems: old course content, having to chase lecturers for appropriate material, dates in course content not updated from previous semesters, lecturers and unit coordinators haphazardly designing and updating the unit on the go, errors in the content, lecturers reading off slides (some lectures are recorded from previous years. I’ve seen lecutrers even reading out mistkaes off the slides), poor feedback with marking, lecturers admitting that they are not allocated sufficient time to provide quality content or teaching, feedback not taken seriously, incorrect required readings listed. The list goes on. To note: these problems are largely unsolvable by the lectures and tutors and course coordinators, it is how the education is being run and funded.
I have also been in contact with other student and the student body about the quality of teaching coming through the School of Business. My concerns are echoed by many students in both the Undergraduate and Post Graduate courses. Give me my time and money back.
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Jack maliy
Not as good as I was expecting.
I am doing my foundation year at UTAS pathway college. I already feel that I was ripped off. Most instructors are not native speakers and hardly can understand anything as well as they bring unwanted overseas teaching styles to the classroom. more like trying to control you than teaching you. Required 90% attendance but most students in the class cannot understand the content. It is waste of time and money.
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Thoroughly Enjoyed My Time at UTAS
I am a proud alumnus of UTAS and I cannot speak highly enough of the university. I found both the back-of-house staff and the academics to be extremely helpful, knowledgeable and efficient. The content of the material and the presentation of it was relevant, easy to follow and enjoyable to study.
Diploma of Sustainable Living 2020-2021
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Ken v Lit
UTAS Favoured courses
Sustainable Living course is one of the areas that UTAS loves. Just like the Maritime College, UTAS throws money at these courses. However other courses are not so lucky.
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The courses are free and are funded by the government.
Studying at UTAs
Hello Everyone,
I have been offered admission to study the master of Information Technology, at UTAS, Hobart, Australia.
With the reviews I read about here, what is your advice for me? I will be commencing my study in July 11th. Thank you for good word.
The university is not bad. It is situated in a lone island apart from Mainland Australia.
Having said that. As an international student you might get good amount of support but if you are looking to get back to the university and work.
It will be a BIG NO from UTAS for you.
In the past, there have been instances regarding their management and how the university is managed and operated on day to day basis. There are some areas like law, Psych etc which are pretty easy to get support but other departments lack quality lectures and tutors
Hi Wellose,
I would look elsewhere. Given that UTas has a terrible computing faculty that has gone more or less 100% online, you are better off going to a mainland uni such as ANU or RMIT and doing their degree. The units at UTas are poorly designed, lecturers are generally unavailable and exams/marking are not in the favour of students.
Hem Chy
I checked review of other university and all of them have bad reviews just like this… there is no good university.
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You can visit the campus and see for yourself
Civil engineering doubt
I am from India and exploring admission at Tasmania University to pursue Masters of professional Engineering (Civil engineering). I I also want to know about part-time jobs. Is it easy to get part-time jobs in Tasmania and full time after masters in civil engineering companies.Please suggest me.
A Former Student
UTAS don't know their head from their feet.
I found UTAS all good until I attended the “compulsory” orientation session. I applied, got accepted, chose all of my subjects bases on the electives I was allowed to choose from (as stated on the UTAS web page for my course) … then in the orientation I was told two of my four subjects were not actually available in the Undergraduate Certificate I’d enrolled in, despite being listed as available online and despite me already enrolling in the subjects through their enrollment portal. So, what, I could have completed my four subjects and not graduated because there was conflicting information provided? So I withdrew from the course. I wasn’t interested in continuing and studying subjects I wasn’t interested in. THEN I was told that I could actually study those subjects that I’d originally chosen but I had to reapply for the course. This whole process has given me so little confidence in the quality of what UTAS is delivering; I’m going to steer clear and spend my time and money on other things.
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Utter trash
Utter trash. No teaching whatsoever. Irrelevant course content.
Lecturers do not show up to teach classes, and refuse to provide any guidance to the students, their only excuse being that “tertiary students need to be more independent”.
The whole lot of them need to be fired and replaced by people who actually want to educate students.
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Stay Away
Worst university in Australia
You hit the nail on the head. UTAS are only interested in property and have moved away from their core business of education. The entire place needs an overhaul of fresh people to improve the awful culture. And actually provide a quality education.
Absolutely appalling studying through UTAS.
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Major Tom
Think about how you want to change the future for UTAS
I can understand your viewpoint. I worked in higher education and research for many years before spending a little time with UTAS. Although I worked with many good people there, I have to thank UTAS for my retirement as I simply found working for the institution as untenable. They are currently under investigation for wage fraud. The institution is cash strapped and trying to find ways to minimise costs associated with teaching. Covid-19 gave them that pathway with a huge reduction in face to face teaching. But… The University is not entirely to blame. Student participation rates in lectures and associated classes has been declining for decades. Students no longer want to sit in hour long lectures or be engaged in labs, workshops and tutorials. The traditional ways of hand to hand teaching are being lost and mainly due to student feedback. In effect, what you are getting from an institution like UTAS is what you, the student has asked for via the feedback process. I can be really blunt here, I would never go back to higher ed teaching and not from the face to face teaching stand point, I just don’t have the time to weigh through submissions that are not the students own work. Cheating in the online environment is rife and with AI now on board, there is absolutely no way you can determine if the work submitted is actually the students own work. On line assessments will need to come to an end. Submitted assignments will need to come to an end. Assessments will have to move to short vocal presentations, laboratory tests and I suspect there may be a return to multiple 3 hour exams at the end of the semester to discover who has done there work. who has retained the knowledge, and I suspect that many students will complain about this but it is the only way to judge any particular students knowledge of the subject. I’d love to go back to hands on teaching but I’ve had to walk away. I suspect you can understand why.
You forgot to point out the management and the managers and their working style.
Most of the people that are at uni at managerial level are only their because they have been with UTAS for 10-15 years and are being dragged from one department to another. On the other hand most of the managers do not even have a degree. I’m not saying that is the parameter to employee people but if you have uneducated people at managerial level in a educational institution that speaks volumes about the university.
Not to forget how they provide fraudulent contracts to casual employees and how they deducted your pay without giving you a notice.
I don’t want to even get into the nitty gritty of the day to day working. Its quite awful an the morale of the whole staff is pretty low at the moment
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Chirag Vikram Ramchandani
Medicine In Tasmania
Can someone suggest how is Medicine course in UTAS? We are giving 5 yrs of study in UTAS and high fees, is it worth studying Medicine course in UTAS, please someone can advise..Thank you.
I have never met anyone who actually enjoys going to this school
UTAS is an absolute mess. If there was another option within the state for me to study at I would transfer in a heartbeat. They don’t care about their domestic students’ experiences at all. My course is still almost entirely online despite COVID restrictions being lifted, and other courses being allowed on campus full time. I am studying psychological science, and the entire psychology building is actually off limits at the moment for some unknown reason. I see people in there in offices, but they won’t run any classes in there. It truly feels like all the school cares about is money.
Their online learning site, MyLO, is tragic. It is so messy and disorganised and just causes extra stress for students when they can’t even find the page they’re looking for. Every unit sets up their page differently and so you have to relearn where everything is on the site for each unit you enrol in.
There are units that have clearly not been updated in several years, and have outdated terminology, some of which is genuinely offensive.
The campus is also being moved into the city, which in theory sounds great, but none of the students are really happy with this change. There was no student input into this move, as far as I’m aware.
There is also little support for students with mental health problems, despite the fact that they claim to offer this support.
There is so much more I could go into. These experiences are universal across all courses and many people I have spoken to have had the same problems with the school. If you have other university options, I would strongly recommend taking them over UTAS.
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James Bradley
anyone checking this fraud?
In my program at utas the faculty dean reported to Federal Parliament review that she denounced the program, and the director was sentenced to 2 years prison & banned for prior professional misconduct. I complained too. A complete mess organisation there to provide employment opportunities for the hopeless. No scrutiny/checks/corrective action.
– no recourse to get HECS back at all either.
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I am planning to do my master’s in clinical psychology at UTAS.. am an international student..so what do u suggest.?
David L
UTAS is excellent!!
I graduated from The Australian Maritime College (UTAS) in 2018. I completed my first year of post-graduate study in 2020. Studying at AMC|UTAS has been a fantastic experience.
The lecturers all have many years of practical experience at the top of their fields. They are approachable and willing to help. If anything, they listen too much to student feedback.
The UTAS support staff really seem to care about the student experience. Their guidance and advice has been timely and very much appreciated.
In 2020, AMC|UTAS was ranked the number one maritime university in the world by the International Association of Maritime Universities.
Living at Launceston has been a great experience. The natural attractions of Tasmania are amazing and far exceeded my expectations. The climate is conducive to studying and bush walking. The people are friendly.
Studying at AMC|UTAS has been an extremely positive experience. I have made lifelong friends, earned highly respected qualifications and had a great time. Highly recommended!!
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Excellent University
The comments section sort of made me worried about studying at utas. But I’m glad I studied there. Perhaps things have improved since 2020 off campus education.
For the mylo site, I found it really easy to discuss my content with helpful Professors and it was simple to access all of my articles/notes. The lectures are excellent for social sciences. The teachers know how to organise the lessons well. In Australia, culturally, it is basic courtesy to not expect the staff to reply during the weekend. I learnt this as an Asian from Singapore and I respect it.
If there is anything I would change about utas, it would be the design of the school website. It is quite poor and misleading and should be redesigned so people aren’t put off by how slow it responds.
Apart from that, you will not regret studying at utas if you are an on-campus student stuck overseas due to covid.
(P.S. I’m a cynical person and I have been completely honest about my feedback)
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Is the Bachelor of Pharmacy okay?
Hi! I am an international student who is trying to applying to get a bachelor of pharmacy degree in UTAS. I came across a lot of negative comments here in this website. At this point, I am actually hesitating if I should accept my letter of Offer or not. I chose UTAS because it offers a cheaper tuition fee and student accommodation. Is the pharmacy program in Tasmania good or at least worth it? I hope someone could answer me. I would really appreciate it.
I would also like to ask if the various university programs give the students time to do other things such as part time jobs and extracurricular activities?
Fine Arts
Fine arts at UTas has been the worst school experience I have had in a very long time. The course structure feels like I am doing a maths course, but with art?? It is like they’re trying to teach art in the most uncreative, controlled way possible. Also, all the units overlap so you have extremely limited choice in what you can do. If you are tossing up between UTas and another school interstate, especially if you’re considering doing fine arts, I seriously recommend attending elsewhere, not at UTas.
The online learning platform, MyLo, is THE MOST disorganised website I have ever used. It is the bane of my existence. It’s impossible to find what you need easily, and I have missed school work because there is literally no way to know if you have been assigned something to do unless you check every tab in your unit page, and half the time, the thing you need isn’t even there anyway. Not to mention the fact that half my teachers never respond when I try to email them about something.
The only reason I am giving it two stars is because the office staff are the nicest and most helpful people I have ever met.
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Claudia Kinsella
UTA’s is an unhelpful and uncoordinated uni. Trying to get any help from their admin staff about ab application took 3 weeks, just for an answer, then once I had all my paperwork approved I received an offer to accept 3 days before uni starts. In still not sure if Im actually enrolled in my subject, I can’t get onto Mylo, l can’t access any subject selections. Also when you call no one answers their phone.
As this was a scholarship course at post graduate study, I work full time and have a family I need to organise too. I don’t have the time for this incompetence, I will be recommending alternate universities to my hospital to consider to partner up with for future scholarship offers.
UTA’s doesn’t seem to value their student let alone their alumni students.
So disappointed and frustrated. Not at all what I need.
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Internships and graduation rate for med UTAS
I have offers from JCU, UTAS and Flinders med.
I was browsing about their internships at the end of the course. Of course, none of them guarantees internships but I need where the chances are higher.
Can medical students from UTAS pls help? Do the majority of students get internships?
And, do most students enrolled graduate?
Consider studying elsewhere
Hi Roxanne,
I’m about to complete a Bachelor of Paramedicine at UTAS. We share the medical school and I work in the teaching hospital. I would say there are good chances of you getting an internship here; but don’t take my advice as a guarantee as my knowledge is obviously limited.
I will be studying graduate medicine next year in another state, I don’t believe any university guarantees an internship as they are a separate party to hospitals. It’s like high school guaranteeing you a job outside of high school – they can’t. What I do know, however, is that the majority of medical students do get internships, quite unlike paramedical students.
Additionally, I would not recommend that you study in Tasmania. The medical school really is quite unprofessional and messy. It is under staffed, and your marks will suffer due to assignments being marked in a rush. Our entire class has made complaints. The content is not of a high standard, there are practices taught which are out of date, you can be treated quite rudely by some teaching staff also.
I would recommend a different university. Use QILT to find one with a good rating.
Let me know if you have any other questions. Happy to help.
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I’ve just applied to study B Paramedicine, at the Rozelle campus. Reading your comment has me a bit concerned, does everything you mentioned also relate to the course run in Sydney? Do you have any other suggestions or advice about studying this copurse at the Sydney campus?
We are on the same path. I’m thinking also regarding with the rozelle campus.
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Sydney fast track nursing
What do you think of the fast track nursing course? I’m in Sydney year 12, hoping to get into utas atm but now I’m second guessing myself
Agricultural Science
I do NOT recomment UTAS Agricultural science.
The advanced units in my degree were offered to students in the master course, ag business course and other science units. These students hadn’t completed the pre-requasits for the course requiring content from previous courses to be re covered. This happened every year with every unit, their is no assumed knowledge which has led to a practice of very basic concepts being repeated time and time again. This led to NOT learning the specialised knowledge that I went to university to optain in order to give myself a leg up in the industry.
They pass terrible peices of work, when they see the poor assignments come in they teach more basic stuff rather than relise that they should just fail the bad assignments and the quality of work will improve for the next round of assignments.
This procedure de-values the quality of education. I haven’t looked into the other australian universities but I would NOT recomment UTAS Agricultural science.
I hope the uni sees this because their education is a joke and I hope they improve it.
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Professional and supported learning environment at UTAS
I graduated from UTAS in 2017, and have continued further studies with the Arts college rather than switching to another uni simply because of the high professionalism and rich content of the units offered. I am immensely happy with the treatment of online students, like myself, who are given equal treatment and attention to those on campus. Cannot fault the admin or teaching staff. I will stay with UTAS.
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University of Tasmania failing students need help
I need help and it is so hard to find on the ground staff who can answer my questions, I have been to the business building where there used to be people to talk to but now there is a sign to go to uconnect in the library, I went to the library and talked to someone who clearly wasnt in a position to answer my question, I was referred to the estudent page by him…. but the reason I wanted to speak with someone was because I couldnt find the answer on the estudent page. I need to see a past exam paper so I dont make the same mistakes and fail again but no one can help me. I am just trying to pass but there is no help offered or easy to access…. can someone from the business faculty PLEASE contact me, I am facing another failure this year…
Nursing at UTAS
I do not recommended studying nursing with UTAS. The course is very disorganised, often lectures are just a mishmash of recordings from past years. They are very poor at teaching clinical skills, for example we had 10 minutes to learn IV lines in prac class. Then we go off to placement and get judged on our skills – or lack thereof. Heaps of written assignments, but lack of training in the practical skills nurses really need.
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Trainwreck University
A disorganised mess. The administration and admissions offices are a complete disaster, they are unorganised, unprofessional and have absolutely no idea about what they are doing or the courses their university offers. When enrolling in my units for my first year, it took me over a month to get a response to a simple question over my enrollment.
I completed an Arts degree and found the content to be very much the same throughout my entire degree, just the same recycled content in different units. Beware anyone thinking of studying philosophy, sociology, or any other related field at UTAS, as the content will focus solely on radical left-wing theory and they will ram it down your throats until you regurgitate it back to them in a robotic, brainwashed manner. While I accept that some people might find this interesting, I did not study these fields to be taught only one side of a very broad spectrum of ideas.
While my own experience is only within one faculty, I know people who have studied or are still studying in other areas. Business units are taught largely my Chinese businessmen with very poor content knowledge and even worse English language skills. Visual Arts aren’t taught by anyone and students were forced to go an entire semester, or longer, without any lectures or teachers. Both Medicine and Law focus solely on the high achieving students and leave everyone else behind to either catch up on their own or drop out from failure. Nursing students are taught entirely online, with no face to face learning, and then qualified as practising nurses after only two years.
Another issue that I have with UTAS, yes there is more, is the total 100% on international students. This university is only one in the state and is where most Tasmanian students choose to go when looking for a uni. Despite this, the university could not care less about the local students and instead chooses to cater everything towards international students, even prioritising time with them over local students because “they need more help adjusting to university life.”
Despite its many failings, UTAS is not a complete disaster. From what I know, the Engineering, Chemistry, Antarctic Studies, Pharmacy and Plant Sciences are all excellent at UTAS. Whether this is down to the individual teaching staff in these areas or simply more care put into them by the university leadership, I am not sure.
Overall, I would not recommend UTAS. If you are a local and want to come here because it is the only one in the state, explore your options and find a university interstate that suits your needs. If you are coming from elsewhere, don’t. Save yourself the pain of moving to this overpriced yet antiquated island state and go elsewhere.
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commencing student Medical Research
Hey, your review is super helpful. I am intending to study Bachelor of Medical Research next year and I was wondering about the quality of teaching of this course specifically and other aspects of this uni. And what is the teacher to student ratio? and the overall international student ratio ? thanks.
Not many international students are in this course compared to others. First year was around 80 students and a lot left the course, some changes degrees and others dropped out and others started med elsewhere. The active learning lectures in human phys 1st yr were no where near as good as lectures in final year. (They have changed units for people commencing in 2021) no chem now I believe. Some units repeated what you learnt in other units. Some units have great lectures and others were not run well. If you want to get into med I would really recommend a different course, particularly one that allows you to work in that area when going on to further study.
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More on research
Some units cross over with other courses so will have 100-300(chem) students in some units but for some 2nd yr subjects you may have 40 to 3 staff members, and some other units have many different lectures it depends on which electives/minor you choose.
Unless you know you want to be a medical researcher and want to pursue honours/PhD and submit journal articles/ or one day be involved in clinical trials I would support that you choose a different course. You can also still do these through completing a science degree or pharmacy degree.
Also 80 students total most are yr12 leavers a couple international students and a few mature age students 10ish with around 50 left in yr 3 tho I think the year under is a lot larger.
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Utas, Ag Science,
I studied a Bachelor of Agricultural Science at UTas,
Utas does not provide “specialized learning” the courses are broad and barely touch on the discipline you plan to study.
Dont study Science here, they force all students to study irrelevent units to bulk out the degree and because of it you miss out on all usable/relevant stuff to the field you wish to study. This degree (Agricultural Science) was good 20 years ago but all the good stuff has been cut since then.
Utas is a waste of time, save your money or find a uni that teaches what they advertise. Hope this helps someone as I wish someone had told me this before I went.
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Makarand Darekar
Plz guide me with my queries
Hello James,
I’ve got a offer letter for the same course from UTAS for July intake reading your comment made me concerned about opting the course. Should I really not apply for this course and what is it after you complete your master’s…? I need a brief idea abt the opportunities I can avail after finishing master’s there..?
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I’m not doing science but I’m doing engineering currently. I agree with James. The lecturers I have have no passion at all for their units. They don’t know how to use the lecture recording facilities, their exams are copy pasted from last year. Even though UTAS has a new engineering course with new units, most lecturers are still using the same exact content of the previous units. This just shows you how lazy. It is known that other universities hire honours or postgrad students to tutor some introductory units however in UTAS, my lecturer was a 4th year engi/science student and he was also the tutor. For some units, I was taught by other students. I remember I had a lecturer for a core unit that forms the basis of future analysis and because my lecturer was a forgien phd student who was clearly nervous and had a hard accent, I have a very serious gap in knowledge.
I’m an international student so changing or transferring now would be too hard for me but after studying engineering for 3 years here, I’d say you’ll get a better more enthusiastic staff with great support there.
That being said, I have to give credit where it is due. I have had very few but really amazing lecturers. Also, the student experience team and the support services available are really good. UTAS feels like a community and it is fun to be a part of it however academically, it’s long gone
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eric beason
University Tasmania Admissions Paramedic Pathways
UTAS admission and enrollment for the Paramedic Pathways Degree is poorly managed. My application to study was approved based on the documentation they requested in my application process. I was then subsequently denied and asked to provide more evidence of prior learning, however they could not provide who or examples of the documentation they desired. I also tried to follow up several times prior to enrollment about the schedule the university placed me into. Little to no reply for weeks. Scheduled phone consultations with no follow through from the university. Wasted six months of my time as now I can’t study in semester one 2019. Really poor showing I would highly discourage all who would apply to Paramedic Pathways Bachelor Degree. Chose another University
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The computing faculty is awful
If you’re considering studying computing at UTas, don’t. Look at OUA and RMIT or another university, anything but this faculty. Lecturers were often unavailable for consultation, and responses via email were mixed at best. They were also rude, condescending and at times downright incompetent, with marks often making no sense or at odds with provided solutions and the marks of other students. The overall course structure is also quite limiting, being focused on either games and creative technologies or software development, with very little in the way of other fields. To top it off exams were often unrelated to work done during semester, meaning that 13 weeks worth of work could be undone in as little as 2 hours. Avoid like the plague.
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This couldn’t be more true.
I’ve moved to Melbourne, just because of UTAS and how useless the IT degree is.
Khem Raj Chetri
I am from Bhutan and exploring admission at Tas Uni. to pursue Masters in HR Management/MBA (International). Also I need do part-time jobs. Is it easy to get part-time jobs in Tasmania. Please advice me.
Had an overall bad experience with a postgraduate course in pharmacy. There wasn’t much support (if any) for students whatsoever despite discussion forums. Assignments were marked down for ridiculous reasons that are not valid despite assignments being assessed by clinicians prior to submission to be of good quality. Very 1920s enrolment process with mixed information provided which caused a lot of unnecessary delays.There is also unfortunately a condescending attitude portrayed by some tutors and the head of school. Found that many good tutors actually stopped working for the university too. It seems like the school has a fail quota to meet so students are forced to repeat their units and waste more money. Would not recommend wasting precious time and money on this.
Fine Art UTAS Needs Improvement
I studied one year at University of Tas doing Fine Art at Hunter Street and hated it.
The teachers are very old fashioned in there thinking as is the work, you are expected to look up how to use oil paint and all that yourself or just know how to use the stuff.
There is a lot of snobbery regarding mediums as well, oil paint is recommend as Old Masters used it. And other mediums are secondary! They don’t even have a major of drawing! It’s either digital, printmaking and painting.
The teachers themselves many seem unhappy, and one even said “you’ll be taking our jobs when you’re finished. Taking commissions away from us.” Teachers shouldn’t be saying that to students!
One teacher in painting said to me she wasn’t giving out High Distinctions and gave me a high Distinction instead, but she told me and everyone else in the class that my artwork was HD standard. I wasn’t given the marks I deserved. Just because the teacher wasn’t giving our Hd’s It’s not fair!
The campus itself is nice he feels like there isn’t enough toilets. Parking could be better, have to hike to my campus or get a lift. If you’re thinking of going to Utas for Fine Art go to Curtin Uni online through OUA instead.
Arts Student
i 100% agree with u
big daddy
Enrolment process is just very 1920s. it is just frustrating. make it simpler utas. make it user friendly. keep it simple.
Nicole Dean
Read all the comments below before you apply. Don’t waste your precious time and money.
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Binh Nguyen
I’m intending to study Electrical Engineering in UTAS. Can you give me some devices. Thanks.
The lecturers are mostly very good, and the tutors are skilled. Hobart is a nice and cheap city to live in. The Sandy Bay campus has some facilities, including a gym, sport fields, a cafe, a bookshop and a library with 24 hour access. There are buses but very limited parking.
It’s important to understand that the nursing course at UTAS in Hobart is not run from the main Sandy Bay campus or the large Medical Campus in the city. It is taught at the Domain Campus. There is a lecture room, three classrooms and some basic facilities: boiling water, toilets, wifi, three computers and a printer. This is not a campus with space or facilities for socialising, and most of the lectures are given online. The nursing and medical library is located a few blocks away. The library is very good, but does not have 24 access. Nursing students are no longer allowed to have a building access card, so if the building is locked the library cannot be accessed.
The course that I completed in Hobart (nursing) was quite overcrowded, disorganised and poorly resourced. Grading was often inconsistent, and it was difficult to get constructive feedback. I think this is more to do with the overcrowding and the administration issues that with the quality of the teachers. There seems to be an ongoing problem with administration where errors are not acknowledged. Communication is flawed, with calls not returned, incorrect information given, and emails not answered. Nursing placements are sometimes in remote locations, where accommodation is not always available. Having to stay for weeks in hotels for over $100 per night and without access to laundry or cooking facilities makes this a much more expensive course that it seems at first. The placements are usually good, friendly and supportive, although it is common for nursing students to be supervised by carers instead of registered nurses.
Student accommodation is available and seems to be friendly and good quality. In Hobart it is much more expensive to stay in student accommodation than to rent privately.
If I had my time over I would choose to live in Hobart and study by distance through another institution.
A bit of a mix of teaching and support staff – some are fantastic and others seem busy doing nothing. The course structures can look inflexible, but if you ask the degree coordinator lots of things can be suited to you – not handed to you on a plate, actually need to be an adult and put yourself forward. Depending on the faculty it can be quicker to contact direct rather than through student services though. Pretty place with plenty of study space.
Sorry that is not true
Very poor procedures for internal reassessment, completely lacking integrity, where errors are either not addressed or ignored to discourage future reassessment requests. No formal procedures followed in some faculties. A very unprofessional approach. Would not recommend to future students.
Nicole Dean
This is exactly what I wanna say. This university will definitely go down if it continues ignoring the fundamental problems in academic quality while feeding on international students with no intentions to really provide anything.
Basically I couldn’t even believe it is an university per se, what I got studying a master’s degree here was the worst “high school experience” ever. You will learn a lot more watching YouTube videos. Don’t waste your money on UTAS.
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As a mature age student who works full time I feel that there is absolutely no flexibility and I HATE being made to do group assignments and I feel like I am in primary school again by having to get my book ticked off each week. Turn back the clock I would have chose to go with another uni online where there is more support and flexibility for us workers who want to get a head in life.
If you’re contemplating studying computer science at Utas, don’t. It is a very unfunny joke.
Nicole Dean
Couldn’t agree more. I should have read your comment 6 months ago, but now you can congratulate me for throwing the tuition fees away for absolutely nothing.
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You are absolutely right, Nicole.
I recently completed a degree with UTAS.
On completion of my degree UTAS sent me a questionnaire asking for information about my career path; however I don’t believe I was offered a real opportunity to comment about my concerns about service delivery. I view the lack of opportunity to provide meaningful feedback about my UTAS experience as a serious flaw.
Overall I am disappointed with my UTAS experience because I felt lecturers didn’t provide me with clear or timely feed back in response to assignments, online discussion and major assessments. Maybe they are overworked, but that is not my problem, I paid a lot of money to study at UTAS and I don’t feel that I rec’d value for money.
I have studied with several universities, and one thing that continues to amaze me is how many universities fail to acknowledge that students are in fact customers and should be provided with quality customer service.
Also I believe all universities should be mindful how ridiculous it is for universities to expect exceptional performance from students when many lecturers fall considerably short in delivering an exceptional learning experience to students.
This year my partner and I applied through the “express admission”. Admission office made a mistake about our offers and they were really bad with communicating with us. The information provided by student cervices staff is misleading. It is better to contact more than once if you seeking advice. It is the worst university experience I ever encountered in Australia.
Tas Uni was a great study experience. Hobart is not a big city but it’s lively enough and the Sandy Bay / Battery Point area has plenty on for students, including some good pubs. The uni sits in the shadow of Mount Wellington, which is a beautiful backdrop, especially when its snow-capped in winter. The lecturers and tutors vary in quality but mostly try hard to do a good job. A degree from Tas Uni is pretty well respected, partly because most of the brightest Tasmanian students are happy to study there.