Which uni is statistically on top for a Bachelor of Psychological Science degree?

Psychology illustration with shattering face

Statistically, the best university in Australia for undergraduate psychology is the University of Sydney, followed by the University of Southern Queensland and the University of Canberra.

The top uni for psychology was determined by ranking universities according to graduate satisfaction, the salaries of graduates 5 years after finishing, and the size of the faculty.

Psychology Subject Rankings

Psychology bachelor degree rankings.
Ranking based on graduate satisfaction ratings, median salary after 5 years, and survey response size.
Rank University Satisfied Salary Sample
1 University of Sydney 88.1% $71,700 239
2 UniSQ 87.5% $70,400 113
3 University of Canberra 86.8% $68,600 364
4 Deakin University 88.0% $60,900 1386
5 ANU 80.8% $76,000 281
6 Southern Cross University 87.5% $0 254
7 Edith Cowan University 86.5% $58,800 673
8 Federation University 85.0% $63,000 195
9 Curtin University 81.5% $66,400 619
10 ACAP 85.2% $58,600 703
11 ACU 77.2% $69,800 1311
12 Charles Sturt University 82.1% $65,000 293
13 QUT 82.5% $60,700 907
14 CQUniversity Australia 83.1% $61,600 390
15 University of Melbourne 81.1% $0 0
16 University of Queensland 85.3% $55,200 555
17 Griffith University 81.6% $59,300 861
18 UNE 87.7% $50,700 326
19 Macquarie University 75.1% $64,700 2045
20 La Trobe University 83.3% $55,600 791
21 UniSA 81.7% $58,900 643
22 Western Sydney University 74.1% $71,400 737
23 Victoria University 82.4% $57,400 339
24 Flinders University 84.2% $53,500 356
25 Swinburne University 83.7% $47,400 1278
26 University of Tasmania 74.8% $66,900 314
27 Murdoch University 78.3% $60,900 100
28 RMIT University 82.3% $52,100 376
29 Bond University 78.0% $61,000 121
30 University of Wollongong 75.6% $60,800 576
31 USC 77.8% $54,300 421
32 University of Newcastle 74.7% $57,200 599
33 Charles Darwin University 73.1% $61,700 174
34 UNSW 76.4% $53,400 513
35 ISN Psychology 71.7% $0 108
36 University of Adelaide 73.6% $54,700 423
37 University of Notre Dame 0.0% $55,300 92
38 James Cook University 64.0% $64,100 110
39 Monash University 56.7% $55,400 257
Updated: 4 July 2024. Data sources: Student Experience Survey, Graduate Outcomes Survey. Note: Nil entry indicates no data was available.
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Top Rated Psychology Programs

The University of Sydney led the way because of its high graduate satisfaction rate of 88.1% and a competitive graduate salary of $71,700 five years after completing the degree.

The University of Southern Queensland follows closely, with an impressive 87.5% satisfaction rate and a graduate salary of $70,400. Its smaller faculty size of 113 suggests a more personalised educational experience.

The University of Canberra, with an 86.8% satisfaction rate and a graduate salary of $68,600, rounds out the top three.


To determine the best universities for undergraduate psychology in Australia, we evaluated universities based on three factors: graduate satisfaction, graduate salaries five years post-graduation, and the size of the psychology department. Each factor was scored and weighted to create a final ranking.

Graduate Satisfaction
We used data from the Graduate Outcomes Survey (GOS) to assess overall graduate satisfaction. The GOS measures various outcomes, and for this ranking, we specifically considered the percentage of graduates who reported being satisfied overall.

Graduate Salaries
Graduate income data, sourced from taxation returns, was used to evaluate salaries five years after graduation. This data provided a comprehensive look at the financial outcomes for graduates from different universities.

Size of the Psychology Department
The size of each university’s psychology department was estimated using response numbers from the Student Experience Survey (SES). Although not a perfect measure, this provided a reasonable approximation of department size.

Scoring and Weighting

Each university was scored out of 1 for each measure. The score for each measure was calculated as the ratio of the university’s score minus the lowest score among all universities, divided by the difference between the maximum and minimum scores. This resulted in a normalised score between 0 (lowest) and 1 (highest) for each measure. If no data was available for a measure, a score of 0.5 was assigned.

The final score for each university was a weighted average of the three measures:

  • Graduate Satisfaction: 0.6
  • Graduate Salaries: 0.3
  • Size of the Psychology Department: 0.1

Data Sources

Graduate Outcomes Survey (GOS)
Conducted approximately four to six months after graduation, the GOS measures short-term employment outcomes, including graduate satisfaction. The national average satisfaction rate for psychology graduates was 80.3%.

Graduate Income Data
Sourced from tax returns, this data provides detailed and longitudinal income information for graduates. The median income for psychology graduates five years post-graduation was $60,400.

Student Experience Survey (SES)
The SES collects data on current students’ experiences, focusing on aspects that influence learning and development outcomes. We used the number of responses for psychology undergraduate studies from the 2021 and 2022 surveys to estimate department size.

Best Online Psychology Degrees

Female student studying online at a kitchen table

Psychology is a fascinating field. Good online courses give you a chance to earn a degree or postgraduate qualification and become a registered or clinical psychologist. The best online programs include bachelor’s degrees, graduate diplomas, and master’s degrees.

Bachelor Degrees

A Bachelor of Psychology or Psychological Science takes three years in Australia. Graduates with good grades can do a fourth year for honours. This degree covers psychological theories, research methods, and practical skills.

Students can combine psychology with other interests. Combined degrees, longer than three years, are also available. Top online programs as rated by Lerna Courses include the University of Southern Queensland, Deakin University, and Southern Cross University.

Postgraduate Courses

For those with a degree or wanting to advance, postgraduate options are plentiful. The Graduate Certificate in Psychology takes eight months part-time and boosts knowledge and resumes. Completed subjects count towards a graduate diploma.

A Graduate Diploma in Psychology is for those switching to a psychology career. It’s shorter than a bachelor’s, with ten subjects. James Cook University (JCU) offers an affordable, 100% online Graduate Diploma of Psychology (Bridging). This program is equivalent to a bachelor’s degree but quicker and without campus attendance. The course covers topics like personality differences, human development, and environmental psychology.

UTS Online also offers a Graduate Diploma in Psychology. It follows American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines for best practice. The flexible program covers insights into human behaviour, social and biological influences, and research methods. It offers a pathway to becoming a registered psychologist, with multiple intakes throughout the year.

Source: Best Psychology Degrees Online in Australia (Lerna Courses)